Bald Eagles
Monitoring Bald Eagle Nests
Since around 2015, I've been watching bald eagle nests as a member of the small army of New Jersey volunteer eagle monitors belonging to The Bald Eagle Project, which is managed by the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey. It's a terrific opportunity to photograph them.
In NJ, bald eagles typically nest between January and June. The process that begins with egg-laying and ends with fledging lasts about four months and in this short time, eaglettes grow from embryo to full-sized (juvenile with six-foot wing-span) bald eagle. They remain in the juvenile stage for about five years, by which time they will have developed their iconic white heads and tails. They then seek out a mate (often for life) and build a nest, which they'll often use for years. In New Jersey, there are roughly two hundred pairs, up from just a few, forty years ago, thanks to the banning of DDT.
I love these raptors, not only because of their awesome size, grace, power, and beauty but because when I grew up in New Jersey there were none to be seen! So for me, it's a treat to see them flying in our skies. The bald eagle's resurgence is a reminder of what we can accomplish if we just work with nature a little bit.