You pay:
my cost + a $99 donation
1) Simply reimburse me for the wholesale cost of your print. I make NO profit.
2) Donate $99 to one of the not-for-profits at the bottom of this page. E-mail me the receipt.
3) Receive your print and feel good about helping conserve our planet!

I'll Guide You Through Some Choices
- Standard or Custom Sizing - whatever you require
- Canvas, Acrylic, Metal or Paper; Glossy, Lustre, Matte, etc
- Shipping - ground or expedited
- There's an extra $50 donation requested for:
- printing images not shown here (I'll put up a website for you to look through).
- or for printing images over 24 inches on the long side.
In Summary
- Tell me what you want - I explain the wholesale cost. I make no profit. It's all transparent. I make it easy
- Choose the not-for-profit - make the $99 donation (choices below), and email me a copy of the receipt
- Pay the wholesale cost - I accept a check, Venmo, or Apple Cash.
- I order your print - from BayPhoto ( It's shipped directly to you.
Please make your donations to either:
Raritan Headwaters Association ( is a New Jersey-based watchdog organization that has been serving millions of people for over six decades. Their objectives include protecting surface and groundwater, managing protected lands put in their trust, influencing state policy, and educating adults and children in their watershed.
C-Change Conversations (, helps educate adults across the political spectrum on climate change, specializing in fact-based, non-partisan, live presentations and recorded interviews about this urgent issue. C-Change has made presentations to over 16,000 people across 32 states.